Keeping plants

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Keeping plants

Post by admin » September 22nd, 2012, 12:40 am

Has anybody had success keeping live plants in a tank with crays, without the crays eating/destroying them? Are there species of plants that crays tend to leave alone? I miss having live plants in my tank.'

My crayfish likes to eat them. At least the varieties that I have tried. But the plants make a nice healthy snack so I would suggest maybe trying a couple and seeing what he does with them. I buy certain plants for my fish to eat and just keep replacing them once a month or so. Just some thoughts.
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Anachris and camobea (sp on both) are favorite snacks so they look pretty, but are gone fast. I have java ferns right now (red leafed sword) and they nibble but don’t just tear them down. I am buying about 10 every 2 months or so, but I like a heavily planted aquarium too. Mine tend to eat most of the plants I put in, but I found one called Cabomba that they just like to climb in. I have 3 clumps that have been in my tank for quite a while now and seems to be growing, though I don’t see any roots.

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I had a variety of plants in my initial set up, and Shane, Tory and Dustin all seemed to like climbing them, but every morning I’d wake to find they’d been uprooted. I’m down to 2 crypts. I thought I’d try a floating plant, but the Pet Co, Pet smart and the few local stores don’t seem to have any.

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'You can let anachris float. My Elvis loves chewing on wisteria, but that is not a floating plant. I also like java fern, which he doesn’t tear up too much. Java ferns don’t need to be planted in gravel. Just fixed on a rock or something, I even let them float sometimes and they grow like crazy in all my tanks.

