Blue Lobsters

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Re: Blue Lobsters

Post by davidjh2 » January 4th, 2013, 11:20 pm

those aren't redclaws. Not 100% but those look like P.alleni's. Redclaws refer to an Australian species of crayfish(or yabbie if you're an aussie). You'll hear them referred to as Cherax quads or Cherax quadricarinatus. Here's some nice pictures of some ... natus.html

Blue Lobsters

Post by Raymond » January 2nd, 2013, 11:05 pm

Hi, All,

My name is Raymond. I recently purchase 3 bule lobsters. The seller indicates these are 'red claw blue crayfish'. The photo they provided does look like it. However, it does not appear to be 'red claw' when I receive them. Attached are photos I took on these lobsters for your reference. It would be grteatly appreciated if you can comment on what they are. I look forward to learning from you. Thank you.

Happy New Year,
Raymond 1-02-2013.

