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New 20 gallon tank for crawfish! Need some ideas!

PostPosted: January 22nd, 2013, 2:25 am
by Craw Chief
Hey all,

I'm setting up a new 20 gallon tank. I'm going to cut some PVC pipe to make mini caves for crawfish homes, but I want to make the rest of the tank kind of a theme. I was thinking something like an underwater oil rig type theme with pipes and valves and stuff. Any suggestions?

Re: New 20 gallon tank for crawfish! Need some ideas!

PostPosted: April 17th, 2013, 10:48 pm
by Craw Chief
Yeah that's a great idea! Every time I go home to see my parents, I always look in the attic because I know we used to have some gerbil/hamster pipes. Those would be perfect!

By the way, I looked at the crayfish you bought at the website you linked in that other thread and it is really awesome looking.