Questions about Electric Blue Crawfish

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Questions about Electric Blue Crawfish

Postby marcelomelloramos » January 21st, 2013, 4:02 pm

Good day.
My name is Marcelo, I'm from Brazil. I am importing Procambarus alleni "Electric Blue Dragon" for the first time in Brazil and am trying to learn how to create them.

Would you like some information?

What is the best ph for reproduction? And for survival?

What is the best temperature for reproduction? And for survival?

I've been reading on the internet that there are some individuals sterile, ie not reproduce, true?

They need salt water or fresh water may be the same?

Individuals who are'm buying about 4 cm / 5 cm, which the approximate age of them?

At which sizes (cm) and what age they begin to reproduce.

I've read that it takes at least a cache for each individual, that I will provide. I also saw that they like to bury, but my tanks has no gravel, just glass bottom. Is it really necessary or gravel can only keep them in glass. My aquariums have wood, large rocks but not gravel bottom.

I also create Mystery Snail and Guppy. Can I keep Electric Blue Dragon with them or they will eat the guppy and Mystery Snails?

Thank you for your attention.

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Joined: January 21st, 2013, 3:31 pm

Re: Questions about Electric Blue Crawfish

Postby Craw Chief » January 24th, 2013, 11:18 am

Hi Marcelo! Welcome to the forums. Unfortunately they do not seem to be as active as they once were, but I hope I can be of some help.

"What is the best ph for reproduction? And for survival?"

The best pH for crawfish is between 7 and 8. NEVER go below 7 pH.

"What is the best temperature for reproduction? And for survival?"

Crawfish like temperatures between 65-77 F (18-25 C). I've read that warmer temperatures seem to stimulate reproduction.

"I've been reading on the internet that there are some individuals sterile, ie not reproduce, true?"

Like any other species, I'm sure there are some sterile individuals. However, I would not say that this is too common. Some crawfish (P. fallax and P. clarkii) have been known to reproduce via parthenogensis or "cloning". P. fallax (or "marmokreb") are the most common cloners.

'They need salt water or fresh water may be the same?"

Crawfish can tolerate some brackish conditions, but fresh water is the best.

"Individuals who are'm buying about 4 cm / 5 cm, which the approximate age of them?"

I would say probably a maximum of 5 years.

"At which sizes (cm) and what age they begin to reproduce."

I'm not sure. I would say pretty young since their lifespan is so short.

"I've read that it takes at least a cache for each individual, that I will provide. I also saw that they like to bury, but my tanks has no gravel, just glass bottom. Is it really necessary or gravel can only keep them in glass. My aquariums have wood, large rocks but not gravel bottom."

Gravel is not necessary, but they do like to burrow. You need to make sure they have some places to hide. Make caves using the rocks or something to that effect. They do not like light.

"I also create Mystery Snail and Guppy. Can I keep Electric Blue Dragon with them or they will eat the guppy and Mystery Snails?"

The crawfish will eat anything it can catch.

If you have any more questions, ask away! This site has some great people to help you out!
Craw Chief
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Re: Questions about Electric Blue Crawfish

Postby marcelomelloramos » February 4th, 2013, 2:02 pm

Hello, they finally arrived. Unfortunately due to various delays and problems in Brazil that killed four, left six people. Were sent on 21/01 and just arrived today 04/02.

I just acclimate and put in the tank, I noticed that some are more blue than others, I wonder if this is because they are still small, or and may be due to long trip or even sexual issues of male and female?

They have about 5 cm. From the size that they can reproduce?

From the pictures you can see that some are lighter and others darker. I'll wait awhile and shoot more because I think after they get fed and quiet environment should determine the Mayan color.

I appreciate all the help you are giving to the forum, I also have a forum aquarium but it is the first time that this species reaches Brazil and nobody knows aspects of its creation. The idea is to try to reproduce because they are very beautiful.

This is one of those that are more or less clear.

Here we have more blue.

And here's more blue with dark.
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Re: Questions about Electric Blue Crawfish

Postby marcelomelloramos » February 4th, 2013, 2:18 pm

Another question.

I always like to give my fish live food and have some, I believe that will enjoy some crawfish but I wonder if any of you have given some of these foods and what are the results?

Mealworm (Tenebrio Molitor Linne)

Enquitreias ( Enchytraeus albidus )

Besouro do Amendoim - "Peanut Beetle" (Palembus dermestoides)

Besouro do Amendoim - "Peanut Beetle" (Palembus dermestoides)
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Re: Questions about Electric Blue Crawfish

Postby Craw Chief » February 4th, 2013, 7:30 pm

marcelomelloramos wrote:I just acclimate and put in the tank, I noticed that some are more blue than others, I wonder if this is because they are still small, or and may be due to long trip or even sexual issues of male and female?

I'm not sure if the sex would have much to do with their color. However, it is possible they could become a deeper or darker blue as they grow larger through successive molts.

marcelomelloramos wrote:They have about 5 cm. From the size that they can reproduce?

They are probably too small to reproduce right now, but I am not sure. You may not be aware how to tell the difference in genders, but crawfish are very easy to determine their sex:


You took some very beautiful pictures. But do make absolutely sure that those crawfish have places in the tank to hide from each other. It's dangerous to keep many crawfish in one tank, because they are territorial and may fight each other. The best rule of thumb is to keep 1 crawfish per 10 gallons.

As far as food goes, it is okay to feed crawfish meat every now and then. However, I would encourage you to feed them more vegetables like spinach or algae wafers:


If you have access to frozen brine shrimp, that is very good for them as well. They need calcium in their diet.

I'm glad they finally arrived and you're enjoying them! :D
Craw Chief
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Re: Questions about Electric Blue Crawfish

Postby marcelomelloramos » February 5th, 2013, 5:26 am

For now they are no caves but with many screens. I am making glass caves should be ready tomorrow or later.
I have some PVC pipes if they'll put them quarrel but how well they are calm'll leave it until tomorrow, must be because they are young.
They are already well bluer than yesterday. The two Crawfish clear are very blue and the four Crawfish darker are already with blue paws.
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Re: Questions about Electric Blue Crawfish

Postby Craw Chief » February 5th, 2013, 10:11 am

I have some PVC pipes if they'll put them quarrel but how well they are calm'll leave it until tomorrow, must be because they are young.

Ok if they are calm now, that is good. However, even young and small crawfish will hurt one another. I would encourage you to put the PVC pipes so that you won't lose any of your new friends!

They are already well bluer than yesterday. The two Crawfish clear are very blue and the four Crawfish darker are already with blue paws.

That's great! Keep us updated with photos! Maybe the trip to Brazil made them stressed, but now that they are settling in to their new home, they're becoming their blue color!
Craw Chief
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Re: Questions about Electric Blue Crawfish

Postby marcelomelloramos » February 7th, 2013, 7:05 pm

I'm slow to do the hiding and decided to put several pipes. They are not entering because as I said there are several screens but they are always touching things and occasionally meet and soon one of them walks away. They are always close to the rocks and woods.

How often time there is an exchange of Exoskeleton?
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Re: Questions about Electric Blue Crawfish

Postby Craw Chief » February 7th, 2013, 11:16 pm

marcelomelloramos wrote:How often time there is an exchange of Exoskeleton?

Younger crayfish will molt more frequently than older ones. When they are less than 2 inches or so (5 cm), they seem to molt about once a week. The frequency of their molting will change depending on their age.
Craw Chief
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Re: Questions about Electric Blue Crawfish

Postby marcelomelloramos » February 8th, 2013, 3:44 pm

This morning was the first exchange:




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