Feeding crayfish bread

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Feeding crayfish bread

Postby admin » September 22nd, 2012, 12:38 am

Reply to feeding fish bread in tanks:
Do not ever let anybody or anything feed your aquarium bread! It is one of the most detrimental things to aquarium life! I still have to smack my husband’s hands after too many years! He always wants to feed fishes bread! I have done it myself in huge ponds with sunfish, but it cannot be done in an aquarium! Yeast is so strong a substance that it can take over so easily! Any woman knows that! It grows everywhere at body temperature and should never be introduced to aquarium life! Personally, since you already have your animals living in a different container, you should probably totally clean the system they were living in before. I would bleach it and rinse it as many times as you can stand, then cycle it as the others have prescribed here for systems. Bleach takes at least 3 days to dissipate, but I would go a week if possible, I don’t trust things too much. Your crays can make it several weeks in an inch of water (that’s enough to keep their gills wet), but I don’t know what else you have in their tank. Also, if you have yeast growing you may want to check your temperature. It likes pretty high temps and crayfish don’t!
Site Admin
Posts: 38
Joined: January 3rd, 2012, 12:50 pm

Re: Feeding crayfish bread

Postby Guest » February 23rd, 2013, 11:57 pm

I wondered if i can feed my crafish canned sardines or salmon, cause I was given some and no one else is going to eat it.

Re: Feeding crayfish bread

Postby Craw Chief » February 26th, 2013, 11:53 am

Guest wrote:I wondered if i can feed my crafish canned sardines or salmon, cause I was given some and no one else is going to eat it.

You can use the canned sardines or salmon for crayfish traps, but I wouldn't put it in the tank. I'd be nervous because there could be a plethora of other stuff in that food which you wouldn't want to add in your tank. It could really foul up the water and mess up the parameters. Just stick to algae wafers, veggies, etc.
Craw Chief
Posts: 97
Joined: January 22nd, 2013, 12:47 am

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