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Electric blue with white crayfish?

PostPosted: September 3rd, 2012, 1:32 am
by Crazy4Crays
Hi, I have a 55g tank with a juvenile electric blue crayfish. Can I add another one? Can it be a white one? If so, will they mate? And what color will the babies be? Thanks for any information you have.

Re: Electric blue with white crayfish?

PostPosted: September 19th, 2012, 9:58 am
by turtleescape
There are a few different blues and whites out there in the pet trade. Most blues craysfish in pet stores are Procambarus Alleni. Most whites in the pet trade are Procambarus Clarkii. But both blue Clarkii and white Procambarus Alleni are available too but harder to find. You can breed Alleni with Alleni or Clarkii with Clarkii. Most of the time when you breed whites with blues you will get a mix of white and blue as well as light blues. The actual color your babies would be has more to do with the parents of the breeding pair than there actual color. If you can post a photo of your blue crayfish I can tell you what you have.