crustacea books sales

Northeast Natural History & Supply is a provider of new, used, and antiquarian books, monographs, and journals on all disciplines of natural history. We offer works for sale on a wide range of disciplines including malacology, astacology, entomology, other invertebrate zoology, ichthyology, herpetology, ornithology, mammalogy, paleontology, geology, mineralogy, archaology, anthropology, astronomy, chemisty, and physics.
Our latest catalogue is entitled Antiquarian Invertebrates and includes many titles relating to Crustacea and other invertebrates including some very old and hard to find works. Previous relevant catalogues include Other Invertebrates and Other Invertebrates Exclusive of Mollusks. To receive a pdf or MS Word document of our latest listings, please contact us directly at or by responding to this post.
Northeast Natural History & Supply is a provider of new, used, and antiquarian books, monographs, and journals on all disciplines of natural history. We offer works for sale on a wide range of disciplines including malacology, astacology, entomology, other invertebrate zoology, ichthyology, herpetology, ornithology, mammalogy, paleontology, geology, mineralogy, archaology, anthropology, astronomy, chemisty, and physics.
Our latest catalogue is entitled Antiquarian Invertebrates and includes many titles relating to Crustacea and other invertebrates including some very old and hard to find works. Previous relevant catalogues include Other Invertebrates and Other Invertebrates Exclusive of Mollusks. To receive a pdf or MS Word document of our latest listings, please contact us directly at or by responding to this post.