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tantora's Catappa Leaf for Crayfish

PostPosted: September 5th, 2012, 7:47 am
by tantora
Tantora’s Catappa leaves for Crayfish

Other names of Catappa Leaves
Indian Almond Leaf, IAL, Ketapang Leaf, Sweet Almond Leaf, Sea Almond Leaf, Badamier Leaf, Seemandelbaumblätter , Huu Kwang

Benefits of Catappa Leaves for Crayfish
- Relieves stress of Crayfish.
- Creates natural water environment for Crayfish .
- Enhances colour of Crayfish.
- Tannins and Acids that have anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties .
- Stimulates breeding .

Buy and Read More details about Catappa Leaves at;

Re: tantora's Catappa Leaf for Crayfish

PostPosted: September 19th, 2012, 11:56 am
by W.Witz
That was some interesting stuff here on Thanks for posting it.