The benefits from pet sitting

The benefits from pet sitting

Postby petsittingatlanta » October 17th, 2012, 10:01 pm

Animals such as dogs, cats ... has long been a close friend of the people. Many parents also believe that raising an animal in the home will help your children learn more about responsibility, empathy, as well as physical development, cognitive belief is true anywhere, and what really is the reason we should have a pet in the house? Let's see.
Here are five reasons that the experts came up to have pets in the house:
1.Pets help families closer
Pets can help families stick and closer to each other - this is sometimes obvious that we often do not think of immediately when someone asked about the greatest pet. However, if you edit your question a bit, said: "Pets are part of the family?" We can get the light looked surprised, even offended, from the little children or parents;, and the answer is usually "Yes sir!". You can also occasionally encountered this relationship in the literature that the children described his family as "The children have grandparents, parents, sister, brother and dog or cat..."
The fact that the pet is usually present in the activities that families do together: lead walking, grooming, bathing them, feeding them or play. Even if not the same as now, these activities may also become subject to all family members share with each other.
2.Pets help children learn
Adults can participate in clubs, reading clubs together, but what about children? Bill Strickland from Parents magazine share the story of her daughter Natalie: She has own her close friend to read with, and that is the cat. She stroked their hair while reading, pausing to let us see the pictures and ask questions, even reassure them when reading scary passages.
In the opinion of Dr. Mary Renck Jalongo, a professor at the University of Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Natalie’s case is absolutely nothing unusual at all. Educators have long known treatments by bringing animals (mostly dogs) to schools to help children with learning problems develop better. Now they realize that all children can benefit from people you do not nag or judge. In one study, children were asked to read in front of a friend at the same age, an adult, and a dog. The researchers monitored their stress levels and found that most children feel most comfortable with animals, not humans. If you're trying to read, and anyone that says, "hurry up and reading it," the feeling was not pleasant at all. On the other hand, curled up comfortably and read with a dog or cat is much more interesting.
3.Pets help you more comfortable
In another study, children were asked to give advice to you less sociable or less well-known than in the classroom; answers get the most beautiful is not a toy or clothing iscool, that is: your pet. Whether it’s large or small, according Dr. Jalongo, a pet gives for a child subject to talk and share with other children.
Animals are also a great source of comfort. The researchers asked a group of five-year-old pet that they usually do when you feel sad, angry, scared or secret. More than 40% are very natural to mention your pet. The kids get the "support" from the four-legged friends who are also parents rated as less anxious and less likely to give up.
For adults too, even just simply watch also offers full benefits. Watching a cat is chasing its tail, or goldfish swimming around more in the tank for example, can help our lives greatly softened. Although this time if asked "What are you doing?" You can answer is "nothing," but in the busy and full of pressure, "nothing" can be a very important to do!
4.Pets help children learn how to care
Experts began to study the impact of livestock to the development of the ability to care about others. We all know, through my experience, that care and know how to care for others is not the quality suddenly appear in adulthood, when we need it; unnatural and also single easy to get this ability because I had received care. This really is something to the "reciprocity", everyone needs to practice how to care for others from an early age.
But in today's life, when the independent, private and treadmill studies - work is becoming faster, stronger, children do not have many opportunities to practice this. So how can the necessary skills seed in our nursery from an early age?
Dr. Melson, professor emeritus of Development Studies at the University of Purdue University, Indiana, believes that this can be done through pet. In their study, tracking her time on the three-year-old intended to actively take care of your pet care over time or even just playing with children. After about 24 hours, the children have pets spend 10.3 minutes to take care of them while the children have children only take 2.4 minutes with their children.
According to Dr. Melson, "Taking care of pets is especially important with the boys because caring for an animal is not considered a 'game girl' like the looks of children, toys or dolls. "Until about 8 years old, girls have been more proficient and responsible and boys looking after children, to manage the home and outside the home, but for pet care, both sexes are still involved same.
5.Pets help you stay healthy
We can conclude "pets in general are factors that reduce the risk of infection in children (such as otitis media)" is the lack of bases and facilities, but there is reason to believe that animals can help protect children from at least a certain disease.
According to a study by Dennis Ownby, pediatrician, chief of Allergy and Immunology at the Medical College of Georgia, there are many pets can actually reduce the risk of developing certain types of allergies in infants. He tracked 474 children from birth to seven years of age and found that children who are exposed to cats and dogs since she was less likely to suffer from common allergies are half the other kids. Other research also suggests that early exposure to pets may reduce the risk of asthma in children.
No one knows for sure why it is so, the but Dr Ownby gives a theory that: "When children play with dogs or cats, these animals often lick young and transferred to the bacteria that live in our mouths. And exposure to the bacteria can change the way a child's immune system response to allergens. "
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