Helping a sick crayfish

Helping a sick crayfish

Postby Craw Chief » April 17th, 2013, 10:34 pm

Don''t quite know what I''m doing but they seem to like to breed. She just moulted and seemed ok this morning. Later my son said she was upside down and she was. I had to do a water change anyway, so I fished her out and found she was very soft still. I was hoping I didn''t hurt her when I put her back in.\n\nEver since the water change she has spent 50% of the time on her back, gills not going, making me think she''s dead. When I started to write this post (tank is by comp) I figured she was gone,f or hadn''t moved for quite some time, untill she flipped back over and is "waving" at me now. Wonder what the night will bring

'maybe you could try some shallow(like an inch) water in a seperate container and see how she does alone

'Keep from handling her and let her be

'Well she''s doing fine now. It was wierd, she just seemed to be on her last legs, and since she broke 1/2 of them this moult, wasn''t very much.\n\nI had only netted her since she seemed down for the count. Left her alone as soon as i saw her kick. Was really wierd since she actually moved more when on her back and other crays or fish got near, other than when she was right side up. She''s currently sitting on top of one of my plants, about 8" up, on a broad leaf, swaying in the current.

'The preferred method is to remove your crayfish to a bucket with an inch of water until the treatment is over
Craw Chief
Posts: 97
Joined: January 22nd, 2013, 12:47 am

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