Controlling/stopping algae growth

Controlling/stopping algae growth

Postby Craw Chief » April 18th, 2013, 11:02 pm

'the last few times i''ve cleaned harry''s tank theres been algee on the glass cover... only under the area the light covers.. any idea how i can stop this algee from growing

- I think that aglee starts to accumulate under the right temp and light conditions, but only if the crayfish are really, REALLY happy! :lol:'

'turn off your light fo a few days to a week'

'I''ve been looking for a solution to algae control in my 20 gallon tank. i have heard that you can''t put a plecostomus in with crayfish because the crays will eat the pleco. I do have an algae scraper, but nothing is as good as the real thing. On all the chemicals I have checked, they say not to use with crustaceans. I don''t want to have to scrape the tank every week :lol: , but I will if there is no other solution. With plecos, it is a lot more effective. thanks for the help

'Try a good cleaning, scraping as usual, then reduce your lighting hours per day to 6 hrs., or just less than you are now

'Rams horn snails can help or another type which has a flap that closes over them. I do have to warn you, my crays grew faster than my ramshorn snails and ending up eating those, but perhaps if you buy a larger type that is too large for them to crack...who knows, you could get lucky! :D'

'and also I''d be really interested in how aglee gets into the tank. I''ve tried a google search for "aglee" but there''s nothing about crayfish, aquariums or organisms

I kept the last post because it's pretty funny.
Craw Chief
Posts: 97
Joined: January 22nd, 2013, 12:47 am

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