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Cherax quadricarinatus

PostPosted: April 18th, 2013, 11:36 pm
by Craw Chief
'I''ve imported any C.Quadricarinatus from Australia...and when the crayfish has arrived in my farm i put them into a cold water and dark tank...the cool water is around 18''C..and after 3 or 4 days, there''s a lot of died crayfish :cry: ...and the strange thing is the died crayfish is all male!!!!!!!! I don''t know why it''s happen :?: i really need to get some information what''s the best way to handle this animal when the crayfish just arrived in my farm!!! Many thank''s!!!! :wink:

I couldn't find a response to this question yet, but if these Australian crays were imported to North America and placed in a body of water that is populated by North American crays, then I'd imagine crayfish plague could be the issue. But I'm not sure.