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So are we back?

August 25th, 2012, 8:03 pm
by davidjh2
Did crayfishbob bring back the forums or did someone else take them over?
Re: So are we back?

August 31st, 2012, 10:21 pm
by admin
I am the new owner of the site, I recently bought it from crayfishbob, it is safe to say that we are back and I am trying desperately to get the old forum back. Unfortunately at this time it is in another version of php and I have been trying a variety of different things to try to restore it. If worst comes to worst, I may go through and post some of the most relevant conversations that I can find, but yes, we are back and this forum will most likely be not coming offline again! Contact me if you have any questions at
Re: So are we back?

September 1st, 2012, 4:38 pm
by davidjh2
I'm very glad to hear this! I've been missing this forums badly since it went down. I am a member of NANFA (North American Native Fish Association) and they are a great bunch of people but there are only a few people that are into collecting and/or photographing crayfish. At least one of our most valuable members of the old Bluecrayfish forums Dan Johnson visits there occasionally so I'll let him know to come back. A couple of the other NAFA members were also members of the old forums so they'll be more people trickling back as word gets out. Were you able to get in touch with Appy to let him know that the forums are back? He was the wise old Kung Fu master of the forums and it'd be great if he made it back
Re: So are we back?

September 1st, 2012, 9:40 pm
by admin
Oh awesome, and like I said earlier, I am working very hard to get all the old post back up.
Re: So are we back?

September 11th, 2012, 9:44 am
by Dan Johnson
You should send out an email to all members letting them know the sites up. Also, it would be extremely important to try to retrieve the old forum contents. There is a lot of good stuff there.
Re: So are we back?

September 13th, 2012, 11:45 pm
by admin
Yes, I know, I have been working on the main website pages and over 50 hours a week at my job so it has taken more time than originally expected, I am going to find out if I can access the old users info and get the accounts and send out a mass email. Also, I am working on cleaning out the old post for the most relevant ones. Sorry about the delay and thank you for your patience.
Re: So are we back?

September 15th, 2012, 7:30 pm
by admin
Dan, can you please contact me at contact @ blue crayfish . com I had to space it out because there are a lot of spammers in china that are blowing up the wall, might have to delete all the current users and set it up where it is tougher to get into the forum.
Re: So are we back?

January 30th, 2013, 5:28 pm
by Craw Chief
Admin, how is the progress going on getting the old information back? There is some very useful stuff there. I understand you are probably overwhelmed in trying to get all the old posts back, so maybe a technically advanced member here could volunteer their time to help bring it back online. I have some rudimentary web development skills and will help wherever I can.