"You cannot make another post so soon after your last"

I add stuff from time to time. I'll keep you posted here.

"You cannot make another post so soon after your last"

Postby Craw Chief » February 26th, 2013, 11:01 am


I get this error if I try to make a post within a couple minutes of another. I understand it is most likely a spam deterrent, but is there any way that users can be added to a list that will allow us to make posts without having to wait like 10 minutes or whatever?
Craw Chief
Posts: 97
Joined: January 22nd, 2013, 12:47 am

Re: "You cannot make another post so soon after your last"

Postby Craw Chief » January 19th, 2014, 11:49 am

I believe this really needs to be changed still. I don't think this forum will ever grow to what it was if it takes so long to wait to make multiple posts. I understand the spammers are really bad, but there are other ways to combat them. I recently registered at another aquarium-talk site, and one of the requirements to register was to type "the third letter of the alphabet 12 times, the seventh letter of the alphabet in upper case, then the number of front legs a dog has". Just something simple like that during the registration process would really be good.


Require a CAPTCHA type thing for every post. That's how it is on some sites and it's really not that bad. But the inability to post back-to-back is super frustrating and needs to be changed ASAP.
Craw Chief
Posts: 97
Joined: January 22nd, 2013, 12:47 am

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